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Once in a while, we like to stop and look at the community of friends within BeInReach. For a start, the idea for BeInReach Ministry was seeded by old friends who were separated across the globe but remained close at heart. The imperative of lockdowns and social distancing to curb the spread of a menacing infection has repeatedly forced people to stay out of public places, avoid social gatherings, and retreat to the safety of their homes. This shifted everything online where people become part of an audience rather than being real people having real connections. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, many are facing tremendous challenges and holding up stoically, yet perilously, on their own.

In many ways, BeInReach sets itself apart from other online meetings in that, first and foremost, it will always be a place for friends, not audiences or impressions. Everywhere Jesus went, He took an interest in the people He met: He never took any inventory of the crowds that followed Him. In the same way for BeInReach, each person is a friend because someone knows you, loves you, has invited you and there is a place reserved for you each week.

BeInReach is also a place we learn to become better humans and friends – like the way Jesus kept up his end of the relationship with His disciples, particularly with Peter and Thomas. We are the kind of friend who walks a mile with you because someone has walked the distance with us. We are people who step out into the spiritual corridor to help loved ones in different experiences of transition, disconnection, and curiosity and point them in the direction of Jesus to find resolve and renewal for life ahead.

We are not a social media community where people drop in occasionally, browse casually, and connect with us by clicks and comments. BeInReach will always work to stay true to its mission to help people find the resolve and renewal to move ahead with Jesus in their quest for fulfillment. Because of this, there will be uncomfortable conversations, unpopular topics and we care about the lives that will be changed.

As such, there will not be any open invite to BeInReach - online or offline.

But we invite you to browse through the different topics we post each week on the BeInReach blog and to ask Jesus to be there with you (or someone you care deeply about). Our prayer for anyone who finds themselves going it alone is that you will not give up on hope and know that God is close to the broken-hearted and He sees you right where you are.


