(This is a 6-minute read)

In Dr. Bob Moorehead’s ‘Paradox of Our Time’+, the former pastor wrote: “We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to life, not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space; we’ve done larger things, but not better.

Further, he added, “These are days of two incomes, but more divorces; these are times of fancier houses, but broken homes….more acquaintances, but fewer friends; more effort, but less success. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication.”

Considering that Moorehead penned this essay before the emergence of social media and the ubiquitous smartphone today, they are almost prophetic and mind-blowing in their relevance today.

These are the paradoxes of life that Jesus had prepared us for in Matthew 6:33 – ‘But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.’

Let’s examine the counternarratives they offer vis-à-vis human ideologies and today’s lived realities.


When Jesus said ‘seek first’, He did not mean it as a suggestion but an imperative for all believers who are God’s children. It speaks of a single-minded focus that surfaces prominently in how we live, in the values we express in our choices and conversations, in the priorities that take center stage in our lives, and in the preoccupations that dominate our time.

God is not a mention we pepper our conversations with in order to sound godly. Jesus is not an afterthought after our Plan A fails to materialize. To this end, Pastor Ray Pritchard offered a wise insight concerning seeking: “There is a way to tell what you truly seek in life. …time and money don’t lie…they do tell the truth about our priorities.”

No matter what we confess, our lives also do not lie. It will look very different if we seek first to live by God’s kingdom principles. We won’t be contented to remain one-sided doormats that others use much and think little about, but we will become doorways that lead people deeper in their spiritual journey with God.

This happens when God’s Kingdom becomes the center of our daily existence and the purpose of our salvation. We don’t think small and live busy lives. We think big and live meaningful lives. Kingdom living demands discipline and perseverance and its reward is a life that achieves God’s desired outcomes.

Our lives are Kingdom assets, so learn to fail fast. Don’t stay stuck in a certain life course out of habit, or a fear of change. If you think you are on a wrong track, consider what you need to change and the conversations you need to have with God. Don’t lose out on all that God has in store for you. If you are privately going through a season where you know that your faith in God is being stretched and strengthened for what’s to come, don’t give up even when the going gets tough.

God will find you and meet you, wherever you are! For He has said, “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13).


God’s kingdom and righteousness combine to bring about His rulership and transformation in our lives. This is the sine qua non of true personal and life transformation! It does not necessarily involve making external changes - superficial or drastic changes (or drastically superficial!) - such as where we live or work, or if we cross over from one industry to another, or if we work or not, but about a change of existing convictions brought about by God’s rule and reign. Simply put, it is a question around the ownership of our lives and who calls the shots.

For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:7)

Explicitly, it means that we are seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness…

…when we seek peace both in our hearts and in our relationships with others;

…when we trust God while facing headwinds of challenges;

…when we choose joy and trust God.

…when we seek to do the will of the Father, and align our will with His plans.

And this is the promise that follows: “and all these things will be given to you as well.


The word ‘all’ is used multiple times in the Bible to describe God’s measuring scale: there are no parts, it’s just all. It describes God’s capacity to meet our needs over and above the level of adequacy. It is a measure that is not bound by our preferences, limited by our experience or our imagination of what is possible, or constrained by human logic or even the way we ask.

The word ‘given’ suggests adding something to an already existing amount or quantity. Therefore, when God gives us something, it creates an abundance of it in our lives. Abundance is a mark of God’s kingdom that should exist in the lives of His children. We cannot be God’s children and find ourselves limited by our God-given personality, families, work, creativity, time, resources and life. It is more than a one-dimensional existence.

Take stock of how much God has given you that is beyond what you asked for or dreamed of. Continue to trust that He will take care of all your needs, fears and anxieties. Nothing you tell God about yourself will cause Him to despise you or change His mind about you because “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). In your conversations with God, be confident that “… in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28). All things include the sad parts, the regrettable parts, the missed parts and the parts that are created by human mistakes - ours.

It is so important for believers to understand the meaning of ALL+GIVEN from Matthew 6:33 as modern life becomes more and more uncertain. We will wear ourselves out trying to become the source of certainty because God has given us a faith that, ironically, thrives in a world that lacks certainty.

When we seek God, we must believe that He wants to give us a full recovery from viruses and accidents. He wants for us healed and healthy relationships. He wants to give us protection from unknown dangers so we don’t need to constantly look over our shoulders. He wants to give us purposeful employment, and not just cushy jobs with perks.

So, seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 

Our fullness of life and freedom from worry hang on this verse. This is the paradox of life.


 This is a summary and reflection based on a virtual BIR session held on 22 Jan 2022.


