Our names are the most public aspect of our identity. Today, users of social media adopt cool usernames to differentiate themselves from other users, and most of us also have multiple usernames to access online shopping, internet banking, virtual private networks (VPNs), online information, and other resources.

All of us have at least one personal name that we use socially, professionally, and officially. From birth to inurnment, we are known by the name that is given to us at birth or the one we commonly use later on. Most of our names have socially constructed meanings that convey our parents' aspirations for us. Even in biblical times, parents named their children to describe their lived realities at the time of birth. 1 Samuel 1:20 tells us that Hannah named her firstborn son Samuel as an act of faith to remind herself that she had asked the Lord for him when she was childless.

The Bible shows us that God has used at least two names for Himself: He is “I am” and “the Lord” (Exodus 3:13-14). He pays great attention to the narratives that are attached to people’s names and He was involved in naming and renaming a few people that changed not only their destinies but also history itself.

Abram was renamed Abraham by God when he and his wife were blessed with a son at old age and he was to become a father of nations (Gen 17:5). His wife, Sarai was also renamed Sarah to signify her new identity as a mother of nations (Gen 17:15-16). God instructed that their son would be called Isaac which meant ‘he laughed’ to remind them that the family dream they had thought was ludicrous had become a reality (Gen 17:19). Later, Jacob also received the new name, Israel, to mark the end of a contentious life with God and with people (Gen 32:27-28).

When we are no longer alive, our names become archived in memory or in official records and are no longer of much use. However, there's one name that has a different utility, endurability, and meaning compared to all other human names: it’s the name of Jesus.



We see in Matthew 1:21 that God had instructed Joseph to name his soon-to-be-born son, Jesus because He will save His people from their sins.  He was also prophesied in Isaiah 9:6 as the Wonderful Counsellor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace.

In fact, Jesus Christ is a name that carries authority, purpose, and destiny. It is a Name that forever outlasts the life that Jesus lived as a man, and it has the power to change lives, transform people and outcomes.

Jesus Himself taught us much about His Name.

It is the Name that brings healing: And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name… they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well. (Mark 16:15-17).

It is the Name that saves people from sin: Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved. (Romans 10:13)

It is the Name that is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all people: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6).

To be sure, the Name of Jesus is dead on a wall plague, on a car decal, and when paid lip service to. Neither do we treat it like a badge of privilege, but we conscientiously let the Name bear out in our everyday lives and we reach out to others in His Name to provide love, comfort, meaningful connections, and most importantly, prayer.  

Therefore, Christians are purveyors of His Name in the ordinary moments of life. For all of us, to know the power in the Name of Jesus and to call on His Name begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Himself. This cannot be understated because when we call upon the Name of Jesus, we need to know that we are also calling upon the Name of the One who has given Him the Name that is above all names (Philippians 2:9).

Today, let the Name of Jesus be your call to action. On a personal level, it means deepening your relationship with Him through reading the Bible and prayer, as well as in your commitment to making Him real in your life. Beyond that, we also ask Him for the creativity and courage to create meaningful connections with others and not let our own fear of interference hold us back from being there for anyone.

Be confident that each time you act in obedience to His Name, you are already one step closer to the breakthrough that you or someone else needs!


