[6-minute read]

An avatar is a graphic representation of our persona – real or fantasized. They invoke our imaginations about our realities and maybe even some super-power we would like to have to help us overcome our weaknesses. Some pick dog avatars for the unconditional loyalty they are known for; birds for the freedom they represent; snails for their ability to retreat into their shells and hide when they are uncomfortable; chameleons for their adaptability in the face of threats; butterflies for symbolizing transformation; or tortoises for being slow and steady in enduring long distances.

It is interesting to note that Genesis 1:26 made reference to insects as part of God’s creation: “the creatures that move along the ground” that mankind is to rule over.

In Proverbs 30, the author drew lessons from the smallest animals and insects for their wisdom. In particular, the writer studied the behaviour of ants, hyraxes, locusts, and the common house lizard (v24 to 28). Collectively or individually, these creatures which are small, weak, and seemingly insignificant in the larger animal kingdom, possess abilities and power that confound human wisdom.

Here’s a snapshot of the limitations, wisdom and lessons drawn from the four different creatures that are encapsulated in Proverbs 30:24-28


God has somehow given the mighty ant an ability to carry and move around objects weighing more than ten times their body mass. The industrious ant constantly gathers food and seeks shelter not only for itself but for the collective survival of the colony.

For Christians to live in a constant state of preparedness calls for habits and spiritual disciplines that enable us to minister to people, comfort them with the comfort that we have sought from God ourselves, teaching others from our own failures and vulnerabilities, and prayerfully bear each other’s burden. Being prepared does not elevate us as though we have ‘graduated’ from life’s hardships to a default ‘safe mode’. Rather, it arms us to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15b).

On the other hand, believers who live only for their own existence and a general lack of interest in contributing to the God-given mission for the body of Christ are treading on the treacherous grounds of false security.


Hyraxes or rock badgers are not known for their physical prowess, yet they are able to survive in rocky terrains and find safety and refuge in crags. They remind us of King David who penned a great portion of the book of Psalms and always, with great eloquence and volubility, described God as his rock and refuge.

For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe…and set me high upon a rock.”

Psalm 27:5

I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.” Psalm 61:2-3

Let’s be careful in reading these writings and not assume that they are suggesting that we should all hide in solitude when we are suffering. Isolated Christians are easy targets for the Enemy who often uses the weapons of disappointment and discouragement to take us down mentally and emotionally. As people who are called to community, our spiritual well-being cannot rely only on our fortitude for survival. Our faith is a connected faith; not a gungho standalone faith. Reaching out to ask others for their support and prayer when we are troubled is biblical because doing life together strengthens the entire community of faith. At the same time, reaching out to support others when life beats down on them helps them to find the places of refuge that they so need.


Apart from being known for their destructive mission and for creating plagues of biblical scope, locusts have the amazing capability to advance in unbroken unity and accomplish large-scale operations even without a leader or a king. Locusts have no ranks or hierarchy, yet “They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course. They do not jostle each other; each marches straight ahead. They plunge through defenses without breaking ranks.” (Joel 2:7-8).

Within an army of locusts, you will not find the weakest link. Imagine what life is like for our families and the faith community if we have the same programming as the locusts - committed in concerted prayerfulness to dismantle and dislodge the enemy’s dominion, stronghold and presence in our challenges.

So the question for us is this: are we guilty of making little or no contribution to the collective well-being of the communities where we live, work and play? Are we content being always the kind neighbour, the friendly colleague, the unobtrusive family member, and the polite customer who minds our own business at the end of each day? Or do we need to be more intentional in making our collective faith in

God and in His Word bring about larger-scale change for people and families?


Lizards are not intimidated by man-made fences or barriers. They enter wherever they want and create their habitats in homes, hospitals, offices and any built real estate with walls and ceilings. Physically, they don’t possess any features that draw attention to their presence (except when they make a noise). Clinging onto high surfaces, lizards get to see all the actions that happen in a room. Yet they are extremely vulnerable and defenseless: they can be caught with bare human hands.

A lizard avatar may best personify some of us because we seem to find ourselves, time and again, in vulnerable situations that possess an equal measure of opportunities and risks. Has God positioned you in a place where no one else can access except you? That’s your God-given bold accessibility! And it doesn’t matter how much confidence, strength or skill you currently possess or lack, He will enable you to accomplish everything that He assigns you to do.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians


There is so much we can learn from four small and defenseless creatures. Now we know for sure that size doesn’t matter! It is all about wisdom. What is your excuse?

This is a summary and reflection based on a virtual BIR Session held on 11 February 2023.


