In early 2020, when humanity was in the throes of a fast-spreading pandemic, a church in the US released a song based on Numbers 6:24-27. Overnight, groups and churches recreated their versions of the song on YouTube in different languages as a show of human solidarity, resilience and hope. They were simply singing four Scripture verses!

Indeed, these short verses demonstrate the heart of God – His indefatigable love and mercy towards humanity. These were the same verses that God had given Aaron and his sons, through Moses, to bless the Israelites during a time when there was disobedience and rebelliousness among God’s people.

It can be hard for us to understand how much God wants to bless His children, especially during times of discouragement when we feel defeated by circumstances beyond our control. When questions to God remain unanswered. When hope seems distilled to wordless sighs and silence.

Let us look at seven distinct expressions in verses 24-27 to help us dive into God’s heart for us.

1 – “The Lord BLESS you…”

There’s invariably constant tension between our lived experiences and the blessed life that God wants for us. But this tension does not impede God’s power to bless us. Verses 24 to 26 each opens with the words, “The Lord” to establish the truth that all blessings ultimately come from God alone, not even from anyone through whom God blesses. Thus, it seems a little strange that the original meaning of ‘bless’ suggests a kneeling posture as one gives praise and extends gifts to another. Yet, the Lord kneels before His people not to ‘kowtow’ in subservience but He does it to initiate intimacy with His children in the same way that a father stoops to engage a child at his level. Likewise, God’s Son, Jesus, laid aside His divine privileges and took the humble position of being born as a human so that He could live as a man and model for us a life of service to humanity (Philippians 2:7-8a).

Today, God shows up for you and I because He cares too much to not be involved in our lives. Which god would do that for you?

2 – “… and KEEP you.”

God is an unmatched storyteller who is also the architect of our lives – if we let Him. There are no plots or schemes by the Enemy that are too complicated for God to unravel, or too devastating for Him to overturn and make it into His story. After all, God outmaneuvered the Enemy at Christ’s crucifixion when His Son emerged three days later to offer salvation to the entire human race.

It’s so important for us to know that the Lord protects His children with a hedge of protection against the Enemy’s nefarious schemes and divisive tactics to take us down. God alone overshadows us with hope, courage and a compelling sense of purpose even when we find ourselves in dire straits. In fact, even when it seems that God is slow to intervene, we can be sure that our battle scars will become living biographies that tell of His ultimate victory for us.

3 – “The Lord make His face SHINE on you…”

We read in Exodus 34:29-30 that Moses’ face emanated a supernatural glow each time He spoke with God face to face. At first, he wasn’t even aware of it but everyone could see it. Similarly, the deeper we dive into conversations with God, the more we elevate His heart and thoughts in our consciousness, and the less we become conscious of ourselves.

Nowadays, the ‘glow’ is the change, the courage and the quality of character that others see in us. Jesus also taught that “No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:15 NLT).

We must not let self-consciousness hold us back from making God’s redemptive work visible to different people in our lives!

4 – “…And be GRACIOUS to you.”

John 1:17 reads, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

Grace is not an amorphous word to describe anything we ascribe to God. In fact, if we cannot put into words the grace of God that we have experienced, we’re not likely to be talking about true grace. We must also not downgrade the grace of God and use it as a synonym for relativism (that means, anything goes). And it is most certainly not a word we use to sound spiritual!

Rather, there’s an element of truth in the experience of grace. Grace is most valid and visible in the place of our vulnerability. In fact, God’s Word says that our weakness is made perfect (not hidden) in God’s grace. If we deny that we struggle with social anxiety that makes public speaking extremely difficult, we will not know that it is the grace of God that enables us to stand and speak to an audience without falling apart. If we will not admit that we desire but lack relational intimacy, we will not know that it’s God’s grace that orchestrates deeper connections with others. If we will not tell God how distressing it is to face discrimination and be passed over again and again for good career opportunities, we will not know how His grace opens the door for us in the most unexpected places.

Our honesty with God goes a long way in determining how richly or not we experience His patience, mercy, compassion, generosity and provision day by day as we face the realities of life in a very uncertain world

5 – “The Lord TURN HIS FACE toward you…”

Here, God consistently shows us that He is not a distant Father who keeps us at arm’s length but He wants to know us up close and personal! It’s comforting to know that He’s always leaned in and totally invested in our lives. As a loving Parent, He lifts us from the place of physical illness, from the place of seeming defeat, from the place of distress and despair to look into our eyes so we would believe Him when He says, I’ve got you! Trust Me!

To lock eyes with God, we need to stop looking up and down, left and right, and everywhere but facing Him. We need to train ourselves to look straight into the Source of courage, comfort and hope. We need to face the One who will not trivialize our suffering, walk away or desert us. We need to catch the gaze of the Father who delights to be with us to experience the pleasure of His company. As we do, we become one with Him and no hardship can alienate us from Him!

6 – “…And give you PEACE.”

When we are aware of God, His Shalom (Peace) pervades our consciousness. It’s a consciousness that we need to practice as long as we live because there’s a counterforce that robs us of peace throughout the day. How much Shalom do we need? 2 Thessalonian 3:16 makes it clear: “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way.”

Shalom is a wholeness and completeness with God that is impermeable to hopelessness, anxiety, worry, and negative self-talk that drain us. In truth, shalom is not an absence of strife and struggles but an absence of agitation and discord in the midst of conflict and strife.

7 – “…I will bless them”

In our final analysis, we turn to Numbers 6:27: “So they will put My name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.” But why does God want to bless us?

There’s no doubt that anyone on the receiving end of God’s blessings will certainly experience improved overall well-being. However, that’s not all: God blesses us to extend His Kingdom in three ways:

-        To fulfil His intended purpose and destiny for our lives by expanding narrowly-defined roles we lock ourselves into.

-        To turn us into a source of relational blessing to others.

-        To give us life narratives that glorify Him and impact the next generation.

This is God’s desired outcome for us: “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:9).

This is a summary and reflection based on a virtual BIR Session held on 19 June 2022.


